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Wednesday, October 5, 2016


In this area of food I had to be honest with myself and admit that I have no self-control.

The times that I have tried to control and restrict the goodies I eat have been a miserable failure. I realized the source of my failure to be the restriction itself. It has been much easier for me to have control as I have given myself 'permission' to have my goodies, but only at certain times. Having this 'permission' has greatly alleviated the fear of failure associated with controlling what I eat. I find it is easier for me to maintain this control, and delay my gratification, because I know I have this brief period of splurge to satisfy myself.

Without that, I think I would be indulging myself all of the time. The bottom line is that I have a more positive attitude about my nutrition and diet, as well as the gratification of enjoying the foods that bring me pleasure. I guess that is what you'd call a 'balanced' diet?

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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Medical Errors: 12 Million Patients Misdiagnosed Each Year

Medical Errors: 12 Million Patients Misdiagnosed Each Year

By: Allison Reed, staff writer in Science News June 20, 2015

In America, the average person relies on his or her physician to diagnose and treat medical conditions and health problems when symptoms arise. This conventional approach sends millions of people to emergency rooms, doctor offices and clinics across the country – every year. Sadly, at the same time, it’s understood that conventionally-trained physicians can give a wrong diagnosis about the health status of a patient – often causing a tremendous amount of unwanted side effects.

However, a study published in BMJ Quality and Safety confirms that it also happens in outpatient settings, such as doctor offices and clinics. In fact, the study suggests that 1 in 20 people who visit doctors each year – approximately 12 million – are misdiagnosed. Many receive treatment for non-existent conditions, whereas others fail to learn of serious illnesses in a timely way.

Medical errors can cause serious harm to patients

Doctors often blame misdiagnosis on symptoms that are vague and associated with many different types of conditions. Other medical errors – which are attributed to faulty diagnostic tests and human error – can even be deadly.

The truth is there is no excuse for a misdiagnosed patient. One wrong diagnosis can create an overwhelming emotional burden for both the patient and his or her family, not to mention produce tremendous physical and financial consequences.

Cases of misdiagnosed illnesses are not only prevalent, but they are also very serious. Being diagnosed with a disease or condition that is not really present often means being subjected to treatments that can cause dangerous side effects and patient harm. Often, the treatments are targeted at symptoms rather than the source, putting patients at the mercy of drugs and medications on a daily basis.

A person with frequent migraine headaches, for example, may be diagnosed with migraine syndrome and prescribed a litany of drugs, such as frovatriptan – which can cause serious cardiovascular consequences. This is especially unfortunate, as migraines are often an inflammatory response to internal or external triggers, such as allergens, spinal issues or toxins.

Wrong diagnosis can cost a small fortune and trigger premature death

In addition to causing serious and potentially fatal consequences, a wrong diagnosis can also prove very costly for patients. Even those who escape dangerous health side effects could pay exorbitant fees for unnecessary tests, treatments and medications.

Some people may be subject to hospitalization, while others may suffer lost productivity and needlessly miss work. False positive mammograms, for example, occur in approximately 11 percent of all screenings. Wrong or overdiagnosis can lead to invasive testing, mismanagement of the disease, unnecessary surgeries, and dangerous therapies that can add up to thousands of dollars.

Some of the most commonly misdiagnosed conditions include issues for which there are no tests to prove a diagnosis, but rather a process of elimination by which doctors narrow down symptoms to a particular condition. One example is irritable bowel syndrome, a term given to a set of symptoms that can often be resolved with dietary and lifestyle changes. Instead, many physicians prescribe expensive and dangerous medications, subjecting patients to side effects and expenses that could be avoided with a more natural approach.

Americans need to know that the conventional U.S. healthcare system has serious shortcomings. And, while modern medicine is great at ‘crisis intervention’ – its limitations are quite obvious in treating chronic disease conditions. Instead of relying on just one diagnosis (medical opinion) or treatment as the ‘only’ definitive answer for a particular condition, many patients could benefit from holistic healthcare that focuses on the entire body and its ailments rather than just one disease symptom.


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Stand Up Test

The StandUp Test is a diagnostic test that rates your overall healthiness based on your body’s response to standing up. The test is based on a well-known family of Orthostatic tests that compare your resting heart rate in a sitting position to your heart rate shortly after standing.

In the sitting position, your heart rate is at its lowest rate. When you stand, your blood is required to overcome gravity and pump harder to circulate throughout your body, and it does so with the help of your autonomic nervous system, leading to a higher heart rate. The StandUp test compares the two slightly different heart rates.

This measurement, measured in percentages, gives some insight on your cardiovascular health. Overall, the higher your percentage, the better your heart is performing.

In theory, 100% is the ideal score. However, you do not need to score 100% to be considered fit. After using it multiple times, the StandUp Test helps determine your personal trends and your baseline percentage.

For some users, a baseline percentage of 20% may be normal, and for others, 80% may be normal. To optimize your use of StandUp Test, you need to determine your own baseline normal percentage. With this baseline percentage, you can measure if you are well-rested or fatigued.

A percentage lower than your baseline % indicates that you are fatigued/stressed for that day. A percentage higher than your baseline % will indicate that you are well-rested for that day.

Your overall goal is to bring this baseline % as high as possible, but keep in mind that the StandUp Test results depend on your bodily patterns. Also, you may not be able to improve your baseline % because you may have reached your optimal score on the StandUp Test. However, if you reach this point, be sure to maintain it.

To use the StandUp Test effectively, take the test at the same time for several days straight to determine your baseline percentage.

The StandUp test is an in-app purchase in Instant Heart Rate and is thus a separate purchase from the Pro version of Instant Heart Rate and the premium subscription. The test involves measuring your heart rate while resting and your heart rate after standing up.

For additional health insight, our blog has an article discussing the science behind the StandUp Test:

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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

How To Check Your Microwave For Leakage

Place a cell phone inside of your microwave oven and close the door. (DO NOT TURN THE OVEN ON!) 

Place a call to the phone inside the oven. If it rings, your microwave may have leakage and could be exposing your family to radiation each time you use it.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Sri Lanka's President Bans Glyphosate Nationwide to Protect the Health of the People

Monday, Jun 08, 2015 by J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) In one of his first official acts, Sri Lanka's newly elected president, Maithripala Sirisena, announced that his country's importation of the world's most used herbicide, glyphosate, was to be banned immediately and that the release of stocks already in the country was to be halted as well.

As noted by the Sustainable Pulse web site, Sirisena is a farmer and former Sri Lankan health minister. When announcing his decision, he said the chemical herbicide was responsible for a growing number of chronic kidney disease patients in the country, adding that the decision would further protect the country's farming community.

In Sri Lanka, chronic kidney disease now affects some 15 percent of the working-age population in the country's northern regions. That amounts to a total of around 400,000 patients. Some 20,000 people die annually of the illness, Sustainable Pulse reported.

The website added that the Sri Lankan ban follows a pair of scientific studies led by Dr. Channa Sudath Jayasumana that found that drinking water from abandoned wells contained concentrations of glyphosate and metals that were much higher. In addition, the studies indicated that spraying glyphosate increased the risk of deadly kidney disease by as much as five-fold.

"Outraged" over the truth

In addition, Sirisena's ban comes on the heels of a recent World Health Organization announcement that glyphosate is a likely human carcinogen.

As reported by GM Watch:
The assessment by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of glyphosate, which is used in herbicides with estimated annual sales of USD 6 Billion, will be of special concern to Monsanto, the company that brought glyphosate to market under the trade name Roundup in the 1970s.

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Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Efficacy Of Statin Drug Therapy

There is indeed growing evidence, however, that giving statins to all patients with high blood fats is both non productive and possibly dangerous, and newer scientific papers support re-thinking the whole approach.  Cause and effect are not so clear as they once seemed.  The historical reasons for this belief were rooted in the understanding of the physiology of the times. 

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Monday, June 8, 2015



By Peter H. Langsjoen, MD

Dr Langsjoen has a paper on the FDA website about statins reducing serum levels of CoQ10.

The medical profession has, after more than 30 years of excellent propaganda, successfully created the wholly iatrogenic - "pseudo-disease" dubbed "hypercholesterolemia" and the associated malady "cholesterol neurosis". After decades of dismal failure to cure this "disease" of numbers with low fat diets and a host of cholesterol lowering drugs, the medical profession stumbled upon the magic bullet, the cure for this dreaded artificial disease - statins (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors). First released on the US market in 1987, statins have rapidly grown into one of the most widely prescribed class of drugs in history. Statins do three things:

1. They block the body's ability to make cholesterol, thus lowering the blood level of cholesterol, thereby curing cholesterol neurosis. Doctors and patients equally neurotic have immediate gratification. The "evil" high cholesterol has been dramatically lowered and the future is bright and promising. So good.

2. Unrelated to their cholesterol lowering, statins have been found to have anti-inflammatory, plaque-stabilizing properties which have a slight benefit in coronary heart disease.

3. Statins kill people - lots of people - and they wound many, many more. All patients taking statins become depleted in Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), eventually - those patients who start with a relatively low CoQ10 levels (the elderly and patients with heart failure) begin to manifest signs/symptoms of CoQ10 deficiency relatively rapidly - in 6 to 12 months. Younger, healthier people who's only "illness" is the non-illness "hypercholesterolemia" can tolerate statins for several years before getting into trouble with fatigue, muscle weakness and soreness (usually with normal muscle enzyme CPK tests) and most ominously - heart failure.

In my practice of 17 years in Tyler, Texas, I have seen a frightening increase in heart failure secondary to statin usage, "statin cardiomyopathy". Over the past five years, statins have become more potent, are being prescribed in higher doses, and are being used with reckless abandon in the elderly and in patients with "normal" cholesterol levels. We are in the midst of a CHF epidemic in the US with a dramatic increase over the past decade. Are we causing this epidemic through our zealous use of statins? In large part I think the answer is yes. We are now in a position to witness the unfolding of the greatest medical tragedy of all time - never before in history has the medical establishment knowingly (Merck & Co., Inc. has two 1990 patents combining CoQ10 with statins to prevent CoQ10 depletion and attendant side effects) created a life threatening nutrient deficiency in millions of otherwise healthy people, only to then sit back with arrogance and horrific irresponsibility and watch to see what happens - as I see two to three new statin cardiomyopathies per week in my practice, I cannot help but view my once great profession with a mixture of sorrow and contempt.

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