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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Natural Vasodilators

Natural vasodilators have the ability to lower blood pressure effectively, because they have the same effect or end results as calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, and Angiotensin II receptor antagonists. They cause smooth muscle within the artery walls to relax which opens the arteries wider, allowing more blood to flow through.

They are ideal herbs for circulation improvement, natural high blood pressure medicine so to speak.

There are a few well known herbs and vitamins that are excellent natural vasodilators. If one doesn`t have much of an effect then don`t give up, try another. Sometimes it`s just a matter of finding the right one for you.

One of the latest researched root herb that has shown to lower blood pressure significantly, with prolonged effects as much as 24 hours after consuming.

The beetroot mixes with saliva and bacteria to produce nitrite. As it enters the acidic stomach another chemical reaction takes place. The nitrite turns to nitric oxide or will re-enter the circulatory system and this is what opens the blood vessels.

A member of the carrot family, is widely used by herbalists for many ailments. It`s also known for it`s vasodilating action by relaxing smooth muscle in artery walls. The active compound is Phthalide (3-n-butylphtalide) which gives celery its strong aroma and flavor.

But celery has a double action to help lower blood pressure. As a diuretic it does not cause the potassium/sodium ratio to change when excess fluid is secreted, as some prescribed diuretics do, saving the user unnecessary side effects.

Some people loath the taste and smell of celery, so if you are one of those persons, you can opt for celery seed extract in capsules.

Hailed as a good natural high blood pressure medicine. How does it work?

Current available data strongly supports evidence that it possesses the properties to produce mild anti-hypertensive effects.

It contains effective compounds such as adenosine, allicin, and y-glutamylcysteines among others. But determining which of these compounds are producing the vasodilatory effect of garlic has not been fully discovered as yet. Some research suggests that possibly y-glutamylcysteines have some effect on Angiotensin along with other compounds which in turn relax smooth muscle (Sendl et al., 1992), and another study (Kaye et al., 2000) determined the "significant vasodilator activity" of allicin on the pulmonary vascular bed of the rat. whatever it is, garlic will continue to be a favorite of the high blood pressure herbs.

Ginkgo Biloba
Its the oldest known tree in the world, dating back to the Jurassic period. Dinosaurs probably had a nibble.

What`s more, I know where one is and it`s only a few streets away.

Ginkgo is known for it`s use in dilating blood vessels, getting blood to small capillaries, allowing more oxygen to flow in the brain to improve memory and help patients with dementia and Alzheimer’s.

This herbs also takes a while to build up but it`s well worth being persistent. It`s one of the most powerful of herbs for circulation indeed!

It works like a beta-blocker. How it does this is not fully understood. The use of Beta blocker drugs are discouraged in the UK because they are thought to provoke diabetes type 2 by 30%, so hawthorn berry extract may serve as a substitute, but be aware it takes a few weeks to start seeing the benefits.

If you are considering the use of hawthorn, know that the Germany Commission E has approved hawthorn as being useful in treating coronary circulation problems.

It works by stimulating nitric oxide production, which happens also during exercise. It helps relax and dilate blood vessels, but you need to take the correct amount or there will be a calcium imbalance triggering the opposite. The arteries will restrict.

Taking an ionic mineral solution with the correct balance of all minerals and trace minerals that our bodies need is the best step to take.

It is used for high blood pressure, heart and circulatory problems, but needs to be approached with caution. If taken at a high dose it can cause cardiac poisoning.


Olive leaf extract

Reishi mushroom

Storks Bill
It is said to raise your blood pressure if you take too little, but lower it if you take a higher dose.


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This information is not, and is not intended to replace actual medical advice from a qualified doctor.

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